Bicon – Support
Bicon – Support
JOIN US 4TH TUESDAY from 6PM to 7PM for VIRTUAL BICON SUPPORT - 18+ Peer Support for adults (18+) who identify as Bisexual, Pansexual, omnisexual, queer, or […]
JOIN US 4TH TUESDAY from 6PM to 7PM for VIRTUAL BICON SUPPORT - 18+ Peer Support for adults (18+) who identify as Bisexual, Pansexual, omnisexual, queer, or […]
JOIN US EVERY 2ND and 4TH FRIDAY from 11AM to 12PM for In Person COFFEE TALK Coffee talk is a bi-weekly daytime social program that offers […]
JOIN US EVERY 2nd Tuesday FOR Exploring Creative Writing FROM 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM, IN PERSON, NO RSVP REQUIRED Love to write? Are you a […]
JOIN US 2ND TUESDAY from 6PM to 7PM for VIRTUAL BICON SOCIAL HOUR - 18+ Social space for adults (18+) who identify as Bisexual, Pansexual, omnisexual, queer, […]
JOIN US EVERY 2ND and 4TH FRIDAY from 11AM to 12PM for In Person COFFEE TALK Coffee talk is a bi-weekly daytime social program that offers […]
3RD WEDNESDAY of the MONTH, VIRTUAL PEER SUPPORT GROUP for ADULTS OVER 25, RSVP REQUIRED Coming to terms with your LGBTQ+ identity as an adult (over […]
JOIN US 4TH TUESDAY from 6PM to 7PM for VIRTUAL BICON SUPPORT - 18+ Peer Support for adults (18+) who identify as Bisexual, Pansexual, omnisexual, queer, or […]
JOIN US EVERY 2ND and 4TH FRIDAY from 11AM to 12PM for In Person COFFEE TALK Coffee talk is a bi-weekly daytime social program that offers […]